Meet the Female Founder | Katherine - Elyse Blake of Beautifully Nourished

Meet the Female Founder | Katherine - Elyse Blake of Beautifully Nourished

Katherine's love for the biological sciences lead her to pursue her studies within Nutrition. It was during Her time at University, studying for her degree that Katherine began to philosophise wellness...
Katherine Blake
Tagged: Female Founder
Finding Balance with the Divine Feminine: The Missing Piece

Finding Balance with the Divine Feminine: The Missing Piece

Within all of us, regardless of our gender resides two energies, one Masculine, one Feminine.   The Yin and the Yang. Within each of us and within everything in the universe,...
Katherine Blake
Positive Self Talk, With Beautifully Nourished's Female Founder, Katherine Elyse Blake

Positive Self Talk, With Beautifully Nourished's Female Founder, Katherine Elyse Blake

“WHEN THINGS GET TOUGH, I TALK TO MYSELF” ~Katherine Elyse,  ....And I highly recommend you do the same, too.  I find that there's a saying or mantra that I tend...
Katherine Blake